Tuesday, 26 November 2013

The Fools Of Occupy Wall Street

Note: A small part of this text can be found within a more detailed context, in a lengthy rant I wrote, called "Marxism: A Guide For The Gullible Clueless Westerner". This post deals with specific snapshots from the protests, plus delving slightly into the hows and whys of this idiotic communist movement. For a more thorough analysis of Western Marxists and Marxism, visit the above-mentioned text.

Unlike the bloody fools shown in the photos below, I actually have experienced communism first-hand. I was born in former Yugoslavia during Tito's regime, so when I discuss communists and their retarded ideology I don't indulge in guess-work, third-person experience or exaggeration. I actually have a clue what it's really about.

For those of you who actually believe that Occupy Wall Street was a spontaneous, non-partisan, people's "uprising" instead of a well-orchestrated Marxist ploy supported by a tiny minority of misifits: you must be just as dumb as these knuckleheads.  

Clueless western Marxists are in love with the IDEA of the revolution, as the ultimate act of romantic/heroic rebelliousness, rather than being interested in what that idea actually entails. The fact that they stubbornly refuse to read up on the history of communism is one of the many proofs of this. What they excel at, however, is making noise in the streets like the bunch of easily influenced zombies that they are.

The Dumb, The Self-Centered, & The Hateful: 
The Retards Of Occupy Wall Street

Don't fall for this shtick. Evil never sleeps. These hate-filled loonies are constantly working at undermining a democracy from within by spreading flat-out lies. 

Take this banner, for example. These buffoons actually want the rest of us to believe that 99% of Americans are fed up with Wall Street and capitalism - i.e nearly all of 300 million people living in a powerful country of wealth and prosperity. If this were true, then their revolution would have happened decades ago. Certainly, if these clueless nincompoops had that much support in the population, they would have had millions join them in their pathetic street protests - all over the country - as opposed to thousands (of mostly unemployed bums, bored youngsters, easily-lead student sheep, MTV-brainwashed popcorn-munching fad-slaves, extremist vegans, cave-dwelling Greens, and man-hating feminists).

"Jobs, Justice, Education." What the hell does that even mean? Just words lined up in a row. A well-trained parrot can say these three words - and it would make as much sense as when this emotionally-charged sheep does. 

Does this banner's content actually constitute an argument, a proposition, or even a basic statement? Of course not. This is typical meaningless "sloganistic" drivel we have come to accept as normal when these hammer-and-sickle-waving blockheads rush to the streets like a bunch of headless chickens.

Hey, not a bad idea! Sleeping on the sidewalk like a bum is definitely good preparation for this slacker's future life-style - once his parents give up on him and stop sending the monthly checks.

The only thing that's bullet-proof is this gal's empty head. There is nothing inside it that can possibly be damaged in any way, shape or form. I can't think of any military technology that includes bullets that can damage vacuum.

This banner describes the essence of the Western Marxists' unwavering fanaticism and utter unwillingness to question anything they are told by Professor Chomsky, Michael Moore, and other public liars who act as one-man business enterprises, making huge amounts of money from their propaganda films, college appearances, and trashy conspiracy-theory propaganda books. 
If you were to succeed in getting this hysterical Marxist groupie to calm down a bit so that you could ask her what the banner means, she would probably fart out a whole load of confused, quasi-meaningful, pseudo-political gibberish, peppered with words such as stuff, like, and dude. She has no clue what is going on around her - but she does know how to make noise! That's all that counts.

This guy couldn't even figure out how to program a DVD-recorder, let alone solve mankind's most pressing problems (real or imagined).
He looks as if the Taliban itself had sent him to protest against capitalism (i.e. America), but he's got a shirt portraying an Arab and an Israeli embraced in a passionate hug, so chances are he's just a well-meaning chap. 

Movements such as Occupy Wall Street don't just consist of hateful misfits hungry for rich people's blood, and the psychopaths and greedy opportunists who lead them into these needless street "battles". Its ranks also hold gullible innocents, such as this possibly good-natured sheepish follower of fairly low intelligence (which is of course not his fault). Proudly he holds his banner, a statement so stupid I'd be embarrassed to quote it aloud, let alone pose with it in front of the international press.
Just look at that dumb face. Bloody hell, she looks as if she thinks she has the weight of the world on her shoulders! Totally clueless that she has the luck of the draw of being born in a free country in which anybody with a smidgeon of intelligence and a work-ethic can make a fairly cozy existence for themselves. Or is this self-centered girlie ignoring the success stories of others just because she cannot get her own act together? Or is she perhaps expecting perfection from society? Is she even thinking? 

And why is there the word "it" missing from her banner? If she is so lazy and stupid that she can't even get ten words written up properly on a banner - which she plans the world to see - then how the hell does she expect to achieve anything in life, with or without a proletariat uprising? She didn't forget to draw a stupid smiley though. That's the extent of her intellect: seeing the world in terms of smileys.

Yet another banner that is just flat-out bullshit. Wall Street isn't in the business of taking away homes. This statement sounds as if she'd found it in a Pyongyang sewer. Capitalism creates wealth, communism destroys it. Capitalism certainly isn't perfect, but the alternative this misinformed putz has in mind is a million times worse. But does this spoiled western egotist know that? I don't think she's read a history book in her life. All her political "education" consists of dumb Hollywood movies, Green Day songs, YouTube clips and CD covers, and the occasional Noam Chomsky quote she accidentally digs up on the internet. Does she look even remotely homeless? She probably still lives with her parents because she refused to accept that job at McDonalds (which is perhaps all she is cut out for.)

The actual meaning of her laughable slogan is:  
"I don't even have my own pad, dude, in which to rock out, hang out, and smoke pot, man, and it must be some rich assholes who are, like, to blame for that and stuff, so coz Noam says that Wall Street is full of evil rich thieves then it must be, like, them and stuff!"

"We The People". Yeah, right. How about "We The 5 People"?

Guess who sent the woman on the left to this march? That was probably the only day in the month she was even allowed to leave the house - and yet, here she is, demonstrating for freedom. She would, wouldn't she? But she is barking up the wrong tree, the deluded cow. Her relatives are probably all dead, wounded, raped, or exiled by ISIS and other lunatics by now - and yet here she is, making animal noises in the country that actually protects her from those hairy-ass-raping lunatics.

Just look at this silly threesome. Where do I even begin?! 

Granny. Evidently, this older lady knows nothing about the corruption in communist and socialist countries, otherwise she'd quietly place the banner on the floor, sneak out of the protest, take the first corporate-made bus home, and lock herself up for months, hoping this picture doesn't appear in newspapers. 
There is corruption everywhere, in every system, so if she wants a perfect system with zero corruption then she should roll up her corporate-made sleeves and devise a theoretical model on her corporate-made laptop that would bring about that kind of amazing change. Until then, shut the fuck up, you corporate-hating but corporate-dependent moron! 

"Get corporate money out of law-making," it says in much smaller letters. Did she realize too late that her first slogan was much too big, leaving too little space for her second one? Or is she a little more ashamed or unsure of the bullshit on the second one? Well, yeah. 
The big slogan, "no more corruption", is something nobody could really disagree with - aside from some corrupt capitalists and the millions upon millions of corrupt communists. The small one, however, stresses on getting CORPORATE money out of law-making - not money per se. Hilarious. "Don't get money out of law-making, just make sure it isn't corporate!" So that means a mobster's money should be allowed.

Middle moron. "I can't afford a lobbyist". But he does seem to be able to afford to dress decently, and his shoes don't seem as if he'd been wearing them for years (a common occurrence in communist countries). Never mind that both main U.S. political parties are involved in the lobbying trade. Or that his beloved American Communist Party would have no need for lobbyists if it ever came to power - as it would control everything, including what kind of shoes he may or may not be able to find in stores, AND his freedom to protest!

IPad-using moron. He has no banner. He is there just to silently support his anti-corporate buddies, while he peruses fanatically and obsessively through his corporate-made toy.

Tom Morello, ladies and gentleman, the very wealthy corporate-sponsored guitarist from the pro-communist anti-corporate corporate-hired band Rage Against the Machine. (The Machine = capitalist oppressors, get it?) 

All-in-all, it was a pretty successful day for him: he played his obligatory little phony-baloney peacenik guitar song, fed his enormous Ego with the aid of his mindless adoring fans, took a few phone numbers from his younger female fans, and then went straight back to his very proletariat-looking stretch-limo which drove him back to his $5,000,000 villa. What a wealth-sharing revolutionary! Hypocrite.

Just by looking at this sexless dweeb, I can tell there is something seriously wrong with him - both genetically and intellectually. 
He is wearing huge ear-piercings - that alone raises red flags. He's got a shitty hair-cut which he is wisely hiding beneath a cap. (Possibly the only wise thing he'd ever done, aside from wiping his ass after taking shits - the same crap that results from eating corporate food.) The cap is bent to the side, as a fashion statement or for whatever other cretinous reason. He's got that hip little, utterly pointless hanky wrapped around his neck, completing the picture of a young pushover totally immersed in his own fad-slavery. Not to mention the dumb face - that's the clincher.

"Don't judge a book by its cover". Sure, but this isn't a book. This is a Marxist moron. They are extremely easy to read i.e. judge.

Talk about left-wingers and their record-setting sweeping statements. "Wall Street is at fault for almost everything!" Wow. Wall Street would have to have the power no less of a god to have that much influence. Where does this delta-male weakling get these "facts" from? Why, straight from his college professors, of course. The sorry misfit is doing a major in African Studies, a topic dear to his self-loathing white-guilt reverse-racist heart. Or he simply googled Noam Chomsky and read that "capitalism is at the root of all evil" - phrased differently, of course.

Hey, nerd, how about working for a change? Any asshole can stand around holding a banner, bitching about rich people being far more well-off and successful than they are. Don't envy the rich, putz - get rich yourself.

So theatrical, these Marxist clowns, aren't they? Drama, drama, drama. I'd like to see him pull this stunt in North Korea, against that regime. How he would beg for mercy afterward, in some dingy dungeon, with his balls tied to a chair... Oh, I'd love to see that scene.

Oh, the symbolism. A dollar-bill plastered over his mouth, signifying a lack of freedom due to "big business"? I would like to know how exactly large corporations are standing between this cretinous layabout and his goals. He certainly had enough freedom to march all week against a system that provided him with such a nice suit-and-tie!

The hair looks nice too. Paid much for it, have we? Perhaps financed by his hard-working Dad, who doesn't have the time to muck around in the streets of New York, playing the role of the rebel-without-a-clue. Sorry, I meant rebel-without-a-fucking-clue.

He can't even bother to fix his tie properly. Probably yet another preppie slacker, dissatisfied with his sex-life and friends, hence rushing off to the streets to support all the other misfits, losers, and liars.

And I am glad he can afford to play around with money like that. You know, scribble things on it, plaster it on his mouth, and then possibly lose it somewhere along the way during the march. No problem; there's plenty more where that came from. Daddy's number is in the phone.

Ahhh, so that's what this is about... 
Well, Irregular Joe, America is one of the most free countries in the world - but that does NOT include the freedom to SKIP WORK in order to have some fun in the park, meet chicks, and impersonate a rebel-without-a-fucking-clue for an entire week. I'd fire you instantly, if you were my employee. In fact, I'd never have hired this kind of loser in the first place.

Or is he employed at all? Marxists are notorious propagandists i.e. liars. They will over-dramatize, exaggerate, invent, bullshit, manipulate, impersonate, and do just about anything else in order to get their stupid point across. Any ass can get dressed like this and claim his job is in danger because of the use of his "voice". The "People's Voice". 1.4% of the people, to be exact. That's a lot of voices - 99%, to be "exact".

Marxist Maths:

1.4 = 99

No, I don't get it either.

Even if he does have a job, he really has nothing to fear, because, as he clearly points out, he might lose his job "for having a voice", but since he's muzzled himself he's got no voice, so he's got nothing to fear. (Logic 101: too difficult for the average Marxist ass.) Besides, as if his boss gave a shit what this dummy does during his free time - if this is his lunch break. What phony-baloney paranoia. These idiots will make a "spectacle" out of anything.

Not to mention that people in America are losing jobs for being politically INcorrect, not for being politically correct. Who's the real bully?

Oh, right... I should have known. The cheesy dollar-bill shtick was "masterminded" by their college professors in advance.

Some of these college students are such obedient little zombies. 

Where do I sign up to get my own personal slave who will do anything I tell him to?

"Mom, phone Dad to call his lawyer to bail me out! These Fascist pigs arrested me again for no reason!"

No reason - aside from public disturbance, rudeness toward a cop, screaming at the top of her lungs for an hour like a mad bitch, and throwing things at passers-by. If she dared do any of this in a communist country she'd get raped by the cops, imprisoned, raped again, then placed into a gulag where rape would be as normal as taking a piss at a rotting corpse lying nearby. Fucking moron.

Oh, these preppie kids and their wealthy parents... What a rebel she is.

"Who cares that capitalism benefits most people? It hasn't brought me any riches! Kill! Kill! Kill! Eat the Rich!"

Two words: CLASS ENVY. Just like the boy in kindergarten who is jealous of his friend's shiny Transformers collection. I guess some of us never grow up and learn to accept responsibility for our own actions and failures. Ironically, the rich are this idiot's only chance of getting a job, if only he had enough economic savvy to even begin to understand what I mean.

Or did he imply we should literally eat the rich? Nothing would surprise me with these left-wing extremists anymore, not even hobby-cannibalism. 

Did her boyfriend's left-wing college professor write that down for her? I doubt this airhead can read, let alone follow the thoughts of Goethe, then pick out quotes that apply (?) to the moronic Great Big Commie March For Freedom.

Btw, this is what Noam Chomsky, the Jesus of the modern American Marxist movement once said:  

"The general population doesn't know what's happening, and it doesn't even know that it doesn't know." 

Sound familiar?

And anyway, I have a bone to pick with this quote, even if it is from the Great Goethe. (Unlike these clueless, young, brainwashed Marxist American sheep, I do actually question everything rather than blindly listen to all those whose names are written in large neon letters, i.e. unlike these cretinous sheep I don't accept at face value every thought - from anybody, including "legendary thinkers".) 
If a man believes he is free, then for all practical purposes he is free. That sort of connects directly to the old adage, "what you don't know can't hurt you". In other words, if a man feels free hence is content with his life, who the hell are you to tell him that he needs to change things around for your benefit?

This much-abused and flawed quote is just a great way to use self-serving argumentation, hoping the blatant hypocrisy of it being used by communist freedom-haters isn't noticed, and hoping that it gets accepted without scrutiny just because the Great Wise Goethe wrote it.

Besides, who knows what context Goethe wrote this in. Chomsky doesn't care, and certainly the dumb girlie in the red shirt doesn't either. Whatever the case, it's safe to assume that Goethe would be gravely upset by seeing these misfits misuse his texts to advance their stupid cause.

Is this a recently unemployed fashion model, recovering from depression after not being able to finance her cocaine habit anymore, spontaneously joining a street-protest she understands nothing about? Is she pissed off because her wealthy boyfriend dumped her for another drug-snorting anorexic floozie? Or is she simply depressed that she has no chest? Looks as if she is staring at the sky, praying to God for help, to free her from the fat female cop who must be getting a kick out of arresting a dumb skinny blonde...
But doesn't the cocaine-sniffing tart know that communism doesn't allow for coveting of any gods aside from Marx, Lenin, and Noam? Or that under a communist regime her cocaine pocket-money would be reduced to buying her only a few grains per year?

I could bet my left nostril that this girlie doesn't even know that Europe is a continent. I doubt she can locate the U.S. on a map of North America, let alone a world map. I don't even think she has an inkling what the difference between communism and capitalism might be. But she's here, "protesting", being a "rebel".

She doesn't seem to mind the cop exposing much of her upper-torso body. Perhaps she joined the demonstrations just to be seen and filmed. Exhibitionist? Why not. It's as moronic a reason as any to be there.

Trust these devious, lying Marxists to quote and abuse a text written by freedom-loving men. The authors of the Declaration of Independence had never intended it to be used for anti-freedom movements, nor would any of them even remotely condone this kind of political opportunism. The balls these hypocritical idiots have. 

A typical example of how the Left use the terminology, words, and literary works that represent the ideals of the other side - in order to fight that same side on the basis that they - commies - allegedly hold these anti-communist ideals close to their hearts. Whoever falls for this crap, or at least fails to realize the fat irony, is an utter imbecile.

"Economic Injustice is NOT Beautiful". No, but your pecks certainly are! What's more miraculous, that Noam Chomsky has a world-wide reputation as a serious thinker - or that this Chomsky fan spelled this slogan correctly?

This one has got to be my favourite. 

Something tells me this poseur had joined the march just to "find chicks". Why else go shirtless? Penis over ideology, that's the impression I get. Apparently, his torso is not feeling the effects of the cold, but his empty head needs plenty of woolen warming. Ditto his black buddy. "Hey, we gonna be in the papers coz we dressed like that!"

"You can chaw me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind!" - Gandhi

Where - do - I - even - start?! If his white buddy makes a total ass of himself, then the black guy really one-ups him with ease.

First of all, Gandhi is the last person I'd ever want to quote if I wanted to have the least bit of self-respect. A hypocritical, devious little runt if I ever read one. I had written a lengthy deconstruction of this fake guru's bullshit thoughts (you will find the link at the bottom). 
This kind of idealistic/romantic "I-cannot-be-subdued-mind-body-or-soul" drivel comes first-and-foremost from charlatans, populists and other bullshit-artists. If this black guy were to be just strapped to a chair, he'd be sobbing his guts out, calling for Mommy. And if he actually saw instruments of torture laying around on a nearby table, he'd pass out and fall into a coma. So much for muscular gym-membership beta-males and their pathetic posturing.

But the part that really had me in hysterics was the notion of this well-built jock mentioning the destruction of his body - when one considers what Gandhi's skinny little vegan body looked like. Fucking hell, these Marxists will be the death of me - either by shooting me with a Kalashnikov or by making me laugh my ass off! 

She does seem to be spewing plenty of hate for somebody who is so pro-love.

 Now, this banner really doesn't mean shit - certainly not in the sense its blond author intended it to mean. Surely, even this hormonally-challenged PMSer knows that...? 

Nope. She fucking wrote it.

She might as well keep that banner, and bring it along for the next Bon Jovi concert. Or an anti-abortion rally. Or her dance class. It's a meaningless all-purpose slogan.

Btw, how does one "occupy" something for love? The word "occupy" implies violence, force i.e. an involuntary participation by the party that is supposed to be "loved", so this notion of getting or creating love through the use of physical force is quite cretinous. Reminds me a bit of the old hippie slogan "fight against violence", but even dumber.

Only circus clowns, little children, masked ball participants, masonic-orgy gang-bangers, and guys playing serial-killers in dumb slasher films wear masks. But he's not that far-removed from any of those five groups: his behaviour is clownish, his I.Q. is child-like, he thinks he's at a party, he thinks with his cock more than his tiny brain, and his morals are that of a serial-killer.

He wears the by-now iconic mask worn by a murderous character played in a left-wing Hollywood propaganda film that supports terrorism. Sorry... "freedom-fighting". He's even got that cute little pro-Palestinian hanky wrapped around his empty head, signifying that, yes, he does support the massacres and bombings of innocent civilians - just as long as they're Jews, capitalists, and westerners. "Selective pro-terrorism", that is what this deluded misfit is all about. (And he might not even know it!)

Now, let's see... that dumb banner he's holding so shyly. Let me translate that for you, because Marxists either lie or they make vague, meaningless statements. We've got both this time around:

"The corrupt fear us" = "Anybody who's richer than me - aside from Michael Moore, Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon, Oprah, and about 50,000 other wealthy Marxists living in a capitalist society - fear us"

"The honest support us" = "Al-Qaeda, Putin, Castro, Hamas, the Hezbollah, the I.R.A. and 5,000 wealthy Hollywood Marxist morons support us"

"The heroic join us" = "The unemployed, the malcontents, the misfits, the hateful, the spoiled, the rebel wannabes, bored kids, bored housewives, sexually-frustrated bored housewives, the envious, the lazy, the lazy that collect welfare checks, the morons, the cretins, the retards, the extremely gullible, the highly confused, the misinformed, the brainwashed, the brain-dead, and the utterly lost support us."

This is Occupy Wall Street in a nutshell. 

No violent "pro-peace" commie rally would be complete without the obligatory dreadlocked environmentalist retard mooing on his badly tuned guitar with the scary tone-deaf voice. Just look at the passion on this Green's face. Pity he can't muster that kind of passion for reading history books or looking for a job.

The auditions for America's Got Talent didn't go down too well, so now he's pissed off at the whole world. Such a Marxist way to react to personal failure, isn't it.

Hang on... Why is this hysterically screaming religion-hating Marxist atheist (on the left, where else) quoting a theologian such as Saint Augustine? He was a devout Christian influential in the way Western Christianity developed - something Karl Marx sought to usurp.

They are just so confused, these left-wing ninnies.

Whom will she quote next... Hitler? (Well, why not... He was a socialist, after all. A National-Socialist.)

"Good Job $$$ NOW!!!"  
Now what the hell is that supposed to mean? I will assume this layabout is unemployed and is waiting like a spoiled princess for somebody to hand her a well-paying job on a plate, just like that. Most likely she is sitting at home all day long, watching Oprah, waiting for job offers to pour in through the mail-opening in the door. But who'd want to hire this slouch? She isn't even literate enough to come up with a banner that doesn't elicit laughs and smirks.

Banner 1. You're not a human being, you're a retarded human being. Big difference. You only wish you were good enough to be somebody's commodity. 

The most use I could think for non-commodities such as this non-starving, well-dressed little whiner is to be my chair. Or my desk. But I suspect even that would be intellectually too trying for him.

Banner 2. "The government did this"
Yeah, but then why ask for MORE government? These idiots constantly bitch about the government being at fault for everything, but then wait for Noam Chomsky to give them a revolution that would result in the biggest government America would ever see. A big fat chunky round DUH.

This self-righteous, clueless dummie should feel honoured that he gets to be carried across New York - for free - by a bunch of guys who actually work for a living. 

Personally, I'd drop him on the pavement, if I were them. But first I'd make sure he was a few meters higher up. No need to make the state pay for his lobotomy. A free one would save some of the tax-payers' hard-earned money.

Before I get to the various banners, just take a look at the young airhead wearing a V For Vendetta mask. Does he not realize how silly he looks? Is he embarrassed about being seen together with all these other losers? Doesn't he know that movie is pro-terrorist? So much for this "pro-peace march".

Banner 1: "I am too big too fail"
Nobody is too big to fail, especially big morons. Here we have exactly what I am talking about: a movement largely dependent on losers and failures who are unable to compete in a free capitalist democracy - resulting in envy of the upper-class, the middle-class, and of anybody who has made it or has more than they do. And just because they couldn't cut it, they join a movement that proclaims the entire system as flawed and unfair. Well, guess what? Life is unfair, so suck it up and get on with it, putz. 

It isn't easy being a failure, and I don't fault him for being born a loser, but is that really society's fault? No. And should society pamper you like a baby, take care of all your wants and needs, just because you're an incompetent fool? No.

Of course, this goofball was just badly paraphrasing the movement's "99% We Are Too Big To Fail" slogan. He was merely too stupid to play around with it properly.

Banner 2: "Remember the little people"
Apparently, little people write in little letters. You have to get a telescope to read it. (Not that you're missing much.)

Banner 3: "This is not a protest, (this is a conversation)"
(Part of the slogan is obscured by banner 1, the one carried by that big failure who refuses to fail, but I will assume this is what the entire slogan reads.) Two blatant fallacies right there: 
a) that is a protest (what the fuck else would you call it?), 
and b) it's a monologue, not a conversation. Left-wing extremists don't engage in dialogue; they merely scream and shout like demented banshees, and when they receive weaponry they shoot to kill - no questions asked (and certainly no conversations initiated).

Banner 4: "I am on no one's side". 
He isn't saying he is non-partisan or bipartisan, i.e. that he isn't a slave to either party's ideology (as many are), but that he is against both. After all, even the very left-leaning Democrats are still a huge disappointment to most American Marxists.

Well, duuuuh, of course you want to occupy everything. You're greedy Marxist revolutionaries, aren't you? 

"What's yours is mine. Everything." 

If only these uneducated, Grand-Theft-playing, unemployed, badly employed, hamburger-flipping cretins knew what horrors would await them in a state-run economy. They'd embrace their "low" salaries, their "inadequate" benefit checks, sit in front of their Oprahs and baseball games and be very quiet and humble, instead of causing traffic jams and being a nuisance to the rest of society who are trying to make a living.

In a sense I fully agree. 99% really would be too big of a percentage of the population to fail. Trouble is, the 99% is more like 3%, if that.

But for the sake of argument, let's just say they are correct, that indeed 99% of the U.S. voters support these infantile screamers. What would it say about the 99% that they cannot overthrow the 1%?

It would mean they are dumb-as-dirt. And in fact they are dumb-as-dirt. Or dumb-as-3%-dirt.

"Mundo sin fronteras" says another banner here. "A world without borders". Doesn't this gullible shithead know that in most communist countries it is extremely difficult to cross fronteras to leave? The options are either crossing the fronteras illegally and risking being shot or arrested, or bribing a Party member with a vast amount of money to slip you a visa into your passport illegally. The key word here is "illegally". But what does the average Western Marxist know... 

... can be used to fill up 3 million football stadiums.

Slacker: "Fascist piiiiiiiiiigs!!!!" 

Cop: "Calm down, man. We're just holding your arms."

Slacker: "Injustice! Death! Murder! Destruction! Political Torture!"

Cop: "Hold your horses... Your rich Daddy and his lawyer will be at the precinct in a few minutes."

Is this a scene from Occupy Wall Street, or just a day in the life of security male nurses in a nearby lunatic asylum? It's hard to tell.

"I love New York - aside from all the damn fucking rich people in it who have much more money than me, i.e. I hate 90% of all New Yorkers." The bit about "love" is probably reserved for his only truly beloved part of New York - namely for himself.

Noise, noise, and more noise. That's all they can do, these egotistical failures. That, and shitty, dumb slogans. Western Marxists and Greens truly are the desperates, the misfits, and the losers of our time.

If you are still confused and don't quite understand yet what I am talking about, go to this link: 

Hitler becomes a cannibal: 

For a nice little analysis of Gandhi's wise quotes: 

For an additional analysis of hippies: 

Or let's just get to the crux, huh? Do my "Imbecile Test". Find out how evolved you are, i.e. whether you're closer to a chimp or an amoeba: 